Albert 80


Az egyetlen magyar aranylabdás hagyatéka / The Legacy of the One and Only Hungarian Ballon d’or WinnerAlbert Flórián a magyar futball megismételhetetlen alakja, aki nem csak játékával, hanem élettörténetével, emberségével is egyedi üstököse a hazai labdarúgás zseniktől hemzsegő történelmének.

Rendelésre Ha sikerült beszereznünk értesítjük

Olimpiai és Európa-bajnoki bronzérmes, világbajnoki társgólkirály, világválogatott, sokszoros magyar bajnok. Férj, édesapa, nagypapa, nagybetűs ember, aki egész élete során hűséges maradt a Ferencvároshoz és Magyarországhoz.
Albert Flórián 2021-ben lenne 80 esztendős. A váratlanul és túl hamar elment legenda hagyatékából a tiszteletadás jegyében a Ferencvárosi Torna Club kiállítást rendezett. A könyv ennek a kiállításnak a tárgyait foglalja össze, azokat az ereklyéket, amik a legfontosabbak, legértékesebbek voltak Albert Flórián számára kezdve a gyerekkorból megőrzött általános iskolai bizonyítványtól az utolsó rádióig, keresztrejtvényig.
Albert Flórián már 10 esztendeje nincs velünk, mégsem hagyott el soha bennünket…
Flórián Albert is an unrepeatable character of Hungarian football, who has been a unique comet in in the country’s football history due to his football skills, life history and humanity. He lost his mother early on and grew up as an orphan but from Hercegszántó, close to the Southern border, he managed to become a leader at Ferencvárosi Torna Club and in the Hungarian national team. He won the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup in 1965, which is the predecessor of today’s Europa League and this to this day is still the biggest Hungarian club achievement. Two years later, in 1967 he was selected as the best football player in Europe and he was and still is the first Hungarian player who received the Ballon d’Or award—which has been the greatest individual recognition among all Hungarian players. He further collected an Olympic and European Championship bronze medal, the co-Top Scorer award of the World Cup, and has played both in the World XI and in the Hungarian national side. Husband, father, grandfather, but ultimately a unique human being, who has served Ferencváros and Hungary with lifelong loyalty.
Flórián Albert would have turned 80 in 2021. From the heritage of Albert, who died unexpectedly and way too early, Ferencvárosi Torna Club organized an exhibition. This book contains and summarizes the relics of the exhibition, those that have been the most precious to Flórián Albert starting from his childhood, such as his primary school report book, until his death and his last radio or crossword puzzles.
It has been 10 years since Flórián Albert died, but he never truly left us…



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